Sumiyoshi Monogatari

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Sumiyoshi Monogatari, kakemono

The Sumiyoshi Monogatari ( Japanese 住 吉 物語 , dt. "Story from Sumiyoshi") is a "classicist story" ( 擬古 物語 , giko monogatari ) from the 10th century ( Kamakura period ). Typologically, it belongs to the Tsukuri Monogatari , thematically together with the Ochikubo Monogatari and the Hachikazuki to the typified "stepchild tales" ( 継 子 話 , mamako-banashi ). The author and the exact time of origin are unknown. The narrative includes two maki (roles). The original manuscript has been lost.


The Sumiyoshi Monogatari tells the love story of a third-rate official and a princess. The story begins with the princess running away from her stepmother one day and seeking refuge in Sumiyoshi. In a dream, the officer learns of her whereabouts from the Kannon deity of the temple, Hase-dera . He sets out to look for the princess, finds her and after she has met her biological father, she marries the official and both live happily ever after.

Individual evidence

  1. Richard Dähler: The story of the bamboo cutter. (PDF; 951 kB) 2001, p. 3 , accessed on October 21, 2012 (see p. 3 for a brief classification and delimitation of the Giko Monogatari.).
  2. Monika Dix: Hachikazuki Revealing Kannon's Crowning Compassion in Muromachi Fiction . In: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture (Ed.): Japanese Journal of Religious Studies . tape 36 , no. 2 , 2009, p. 279–294 (English, [PDF; accessed on October 21, 2012] see p. 280 for a rough classification).
  3. デ ジ タ ル 大 辞 泉 住 吉 物語
  4. Sumiyoshi Monogatari Emaki (Narrative picture scroll of the tale of Sumiyoshi). In: e-Museum. National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties of National Museums, Japan. National Institutes for Cultural Heritage , accessed October 21, 2012 .


  • Bruno Lewin : Japanese Chrestomathy : From the Nara Period to the Edo Period . Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1965, 15: Eiga Monogatari ( limited preview in the Google book search [accessed on October 21, 2012]).

Web links

Commons : Sumiyoshi Monogatari Emaki  - collection of images, videos and audio files