Super Six (game)

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Super Six [made by Grimminger]

Super Six (also called Why Always Me! Or Away with Six ) is a dice game for adults and children for two to six players. It is particularly suitable for travel or for waiting situations. Due to its compact shape, it is also often used as a promotional gift.

Parts and fittings

The game's features include:

  • 2 dice,
  • 36 chopsticks as well
  • a container, usually a cylindrical box, with a small hole in the middle of the lid (labeled "6") and around it 5 slots, labeled with the numbers "1" to "5".

The game material is sometimes made of wood, sometimes aluminum, sometimes plastic. Manufacturers are u. a. MESPI (Sterzing / Italy), Grimminger (Wäschenbeuren), Logoplay Holzspiele, BestSaller, Philos Spiele or Bartl GmbH.

Rules of the game

Play with a dice

Before the start of the game, the sticks are distributed evenly to the participating players. The aim of the game is to be the first to get rid of all of your chopsticks. In the first round, each player in turn rolls the dice. If the player rolls a "6", he may stick one of his chopsticks into the hole in the container - it falls into it and remains there. Otherwise, if the slot that corresponds to the number rolled is still free, he may insert a chopstick there. If, on the other hand, a chopstick is already in the slot, the player must pull it out and add it to his own stock of chopsticks. From the second round onwards, each player can throw the dice until he has to take a stick (but he can also break off beforehand).

Game with two dice

In this variant of the game, each player in turn rolls both dice at the same time. He now has two options. First, the player can choose to simply perform the two actions that correspond to the numbers (with "5 + 6", for example, put a stick in the hole and a stick in place "5"). Second, the player can also calculate the sum of the two numbers (with "1 + 5" that is 6) and make a corresponding move; If the total of the eyes exceeds the value 6, the player may divide the total into two favorable summands and then carry out both actions: if he rolls "3 + 4", for example, he may place "1" and "6" or "2" "and" 5 ".

In a further variant of the game, the player calculates the total of the two dice. The total of the pips takes on values ​​between 2 and 12, the expected value is 7. The player whose turn it is calculates the difference between his total and the 7 (this is a value between 0 and 5) and bets accordingly. If he rolls a total of 7, he may throw one of his chopsticks into the hole marked "6".


Not much is known about the history or the age of the game. However, in 1998 a version of the game from the MESPI publishing house was recognized by spiel gut as having educational value for children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Super Six - play well. working committee children's play + toys