Superman: Krypton's last son

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Superman: Krypton last son (orig. Superman - Last Son or even Superman - Last Son of Krypton ) is a Superman -Special that 2007 by Geoff Johns , headed by Richard Donner written and Adam Kubert illustrated and 2013 in German by Panini published has been. The comic must not be confused with the novel of the same name written by Elliot S. Maggin in 1978 .


After talking to the hologram Jor-Els , Superman catches a capsule that is flying towards the city. There is a boy in the capsule. After some tests, the military realizes that this boy is of Kryptonian origin and wants to keep him under surveillance. Then Superman kidnaps the boy. As Clark, he takes him to his adoptive parents, the Kents, who advise him and Lois to raise the boy as their own child. You agree and name the boy Christopher. Shortly afterwards, more capsules land on earth, from which the vengeful General Zod and his henchmen Ursa and Non emerge. They find Superman's Fortress of Solitude and build a machine to bring their followers from the Phantom Zone to Earth. After that, they fly into town to find Christopher. It turns out that he is the son of Zod and Ursa and is actually called Lor-Zod. Superman faces the Kryptonians, but is overwhelmed and sucked into the Phantom Zone by the machine. Zod's followers come to Metropolis to take over the city. However, with the help of his friend Mon-El , Superman is able to return. He realizes that he needs Lex Luthor's help to defeat Zod. But Luthor now sees his chance to show the world the true face of the Kryptonians and forms the "Superman Revenge Squad" consisting of Bizarro , Metallo and the Parasite . During the fight, Superman manages to lock the Kryptonians back into the Phantom Zone using the machine that turned Luthor around. When the machine's access is blocked, Christopher decides to sacrifice himself to shut it down. So he also comes into this zone, whereupon Lois and Clark suffer a heavy loss. Luthor is arrested again and learns from the newspaper that the world celebrates Christopher Kent as a hero, while he himself is not mentioned.

Expenses (selection)

  • First published in Action Comics No. 844-846, 851, 866-870, Action Annual 11 , Superman: New Krypton Special 1 .
  • Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert: Superman: last son. DC Comics, New York 2007.
  • Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert: Superman: last son. DC Comics, New York 2008, ISBN 978-1-40121-343-5 .
  • Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert, Gary Frank, Jon Sibal, Dave Stewart: Superman: last son of Krypton. DC Comics, Diamond [distributor], London 2013, ISBN 978-1-4012-3779-0 .
  • Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert: Superman: Krypton's last son. Translated by Christian Heiss, Panini, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-86201-627-3 .