Susanna Gartmayer

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Susanna Gartmayer (right) with Elise Mory 2013 at the Volksstimme Fest in Vienna

Susanna Gartmayer (* 1975 in Vienna ) is an Austrian experimental and improvisation musician ( bass clarinet , saxophone , composition ).

Live and act

Gartmayer began her career in the early 2000s in the art rock band When Yuppies Go to Hell . She works as a bass clarinetist and composer in the fields of experimental rock music , multi-idiomatic improvisation, contemporary music and multimedia sound performance. I.a. She plays in the formations The Vegetable Orchestra (since 2005), Broken.Heart.Collector (since 2008), Möström (since 2010). In 2015 Gartmayer released two albums: the solo album AOUIE - Bass Clarinet Solos , an "exploration of the bass clarinet as a polyphonic sound universe," in which it incorporates cracked sounds , flap grooves, clatter and breath. And the album "we speak whale" with the Möström trio (together with keyboard player Elise Mory and DIY electronics technician Tamara Wilhelm).

Susanna Gartmayer 2013 (photo montage)

Discographic notes

  • Joëlle Léandre: Live at the Ulrichsberg Kaleidophon (2011)
  • broken.heart.collector (2011)
  • AOUIE - Bass Clarinet Solos (2015)
  • möström: "we speak whale" (2015)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Brief portrait at Music Austria
  2. BROKEN.HEART.COLLECTOR. In: Retrieved April 11, 2016 .
  3. möström. Retrieved April 11, 2016 .
  4. Susanna Gartmayer: AOUIE - Bass Clarinet Solos (English). Retrieved June 12, 2015 .
  5. ORF program information
  6. UNRECORDS - RELEASES - Möström - We speak whale. In: Retrieved April 11, 2016 .
  7. BROKEN.HEART.COLLECTOR. In: Retrieved April 11, 2016 .
  8. god29. In: Retrieved April 11, 2016 .
  9. UNRECORDS - RELEASES - Möström - We speak whale. In: Retrieved April 11, 2016 .