Susumu Takanabe

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Susumu Takanabe ( Japanese 高 鍋 進 , Takanabe Susumu ; born August 16, 1976 in Kumamoto , Kumamoto Prefecture , Japan ) is a Japanese Kendōka (7th Dan Kyoshi ) and police officer in Kanagawa .


Takanabe began kendo training in 1984. From April 1989 he attended the Kusunoki Middle School of the City of Kumamoto ( Kumamoto-shiritsu Kusunoki chūgakkō , English Kumamoto City Junior High School ), then the PL-Gakuen High School. From 1995 he studied at Tsukuba University and in 1999 he joined the police force.

Successes (selection)

  • 2016: 1st place in the All-Japanese Police Championship
  • 2012: World Champion in singles at the 15th Kendo World Championship .
  • 2011: 1st place in the All-Japanese Championship
  • 2010: 1st place in the All-Japanese Championship
  • 2009: 1st place in the All-Japanese Police Championship
  • 2007: 2nd place in the All-Japanese Championship
  • 2006: 3rd place in the All-Japanese Championship
  • 2005: 1st place in the All-Japanese Police Championship
  • 2004: 3rd place in the All-Japanese Police Championship

Individual evidence
