Svyatoslav (Drewljanen)

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Svyatoslav Vladimirovich ( Ukrainian Святослав Володимирович * 977, † 1015 ) was a prince of Drevlianians (around 990-1015).


Svyatoslav was a son of Vladimir the Great and a Czech mother. His year of birth is unknown.

Around 990 he was used by his father as prince of the Drewljanen. 1015 he fled to his father's death and the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb in the Carpathian Mountains ( Hungarian Mountains ). There he was killed by soldiers belonging to his brother Svyatopolk .

In Svyatoslawowa mogila ("Svyatoslav's grave") near Skorje, the remains of a high-ranking person from the 11th century were found in a kurgan ( barrow ).


  • Войтович Л .: Династія Рюриковичів. In: Князівські династії Східної Європи (кінець IX - початок XVI ст.). Lviv 2000, ISBN 966-02-1683-1 online


  1. On possible connections to the Hungarian royal family cf. G. Györfry: On the history of the conquest of Ochride by Basileos II. In: Congres International des Etudes Byzantines, 12-e. Vol. 2, Belgrade 1964, pp. 151-159