Sympetrum ambiguum

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Sympetrum ambiguum
Sympetrum ambiguum

Sympetrum ambiguum

Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Sympetrinae
Genre : Darter ( sympetrum )
Type : Sympetrum ambiguum
Scientific name
Sympetrum ambiguum
( Rambur , 1842)
Sympetrum ambiguum in size comparison

Sympetrum ambiguum is a species of dragonfly of the genus darter ( Sympetrum ) from the subfamily Sympetrinae . It occurs in southeastern Canada and the eastern United States , west to Texas .

Characteristics and nutrition

The dragonflies reach a body length of 31 to 38 millimeters, of which the abdomen measures 22 to 25 millimeters. Their rear wing span is 26 to 28 millimeters. They have a white face that is bluish in color on top. The thorax is colored gray-brown or olive-green and has fine, brown-colored seams on the sides. The wings are transparent and only have a small spot at their base where they are yellowish in color. The costal veins of the wings are yellow and the wing marks are brown and yellowish at both ends. The legs are light brown in color, but are a little darker at the joints. The abdomen of females and young males is brown and has black rings that are not sharply delineated from the fourth to the ninth segment, each in the rear area. In males, the abdomen later turns red.


The animals live in partially shaded standing waters that can also dry out from time to time, e.g. B. in ponds, ponds and swamps at the edges of forests.

Way of life

The individuals of Sympetrum ambiguum like to sit on the tips of branches and other exposed places, but they do so at a higher height than other dragonflies. Sometimes they also raise the abdomen straight up. Mating takes place close to the ground in the vegetation, sometimes even directly on the ground. The females lay their eggs without the male, but these guard the process. They are deposited either at the edge of the water or in the middle of dried out waters. They can stay there until they fill up with water again.

Flight times

Sympetrum ambiguum flies from mid-May to late November.

supporting documents

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