Syncom 2

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Syncom 2
Start date July 26, 1963
Launcher Delta B 20
Launch site LC-17 , Cape Canaveral , Florida
COSPAR-ID : 1963-031A
Mass in orbit 40 kg
Manufacturer Hughes Space and Communications
operator NASA
First satellite in geosynchronous orbit
List of geostationary satellites

Syncom 2 was an American communications satellite owned by NASA from the Syncom program. Syncom stands for Synchronous Orbit Communications Satellite .

The satellite was launched on July 26, 1963 from Cape Canaveral with a Delta-B launcher. Syncom 2 was the first working satellite in geosynchronous orbit .

The American President John F. Kennedy telephoned the Nigerian Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa via this satellite .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Craig cooning: 50 Years of Satellite Innovation . Boeing, September 12, 2012 (archived August 2013)