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There are several people named Synesisus :

  • The Greek writer and Bishop Synesios of Cyrene .
  • A martyr and saint Synesius on May 4th, whose bones have been attested since the 11th century in Lucca , and about whose origin and passion no facts are known.
  • A martyr and Saint Synesius on December 12th, who was a lecturer in Rome and was executed under Aurelian .
  • A martyr and Saint Synesius from Nicomedia , according to legend, before his conversion, a pagan sorcerer named Theophan, whose feast day in the Roman Catholic Church is celebrated on January 3rd with that of Saint Theopemptus , and who was executed with him under Diocletian should.
  • A catacomb saint Synesius, only locally venerated, in the small town of Bremgarten in Aargau , to whom no official church memorial day, but only the local Synesifest, which takes place on the 4th Sunday of October, is dedicated. See Bremgarten town church