Syrian Turkmen Brigades

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Flag of the Syrian Turkmen Brigade

Syrian Turkmen Brigades ( Arabic كتائب تركمان سوريا, DMG katāʾib turkumān sūriyā  'Brigades of the Turkmen of Syria', Turkish Suriye Türkmen Ordusu / Cephesi ) are a paramilitary organized opposition group of the Turkmen of Syria , which is fighting against the Syrian security forces in the civil war in Syria . It consists of several brigades in Latakia , Aleppo , Homs , Raqqa , Damascus , Idlib , Hama and Tartus . It also becomes Arabic الجيش السوري التركماني, DMG al-ǧaiš as-sūrī at-turkumānī called  'Syrian-Turkmen Army'.

The political representation of the brigades is the Assembly of the Syrian Turkmen (المجلس السوري التركماني, Suriye Türkmen Meclisi). Ideological and logistical support is provided by Turkey .

In connection with attacks by the Russian air forces supporting the Syrian government on positions of the Turkmen Brigades in the province of Latakia , a Sukhoi Su-24 was shot down by the Turkish air forces on November 24, 2015 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Why Turkey shot down a Russian jet. (audio) ARD Mediathek, December 17, 2015, accessed on January 18, 2016 .