Turkish moss

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The Türkenmoos is a moor in the Carinthian municipality of Glödnitz and has been a nature reserve since 1986 .

The Türkenmoos is located on the eastern slope of the Bischofberg north-west of the town of Glödnitz in a saddle area at 1000 m above sea level. The geological subsoil consists of mica schist. It is surrounded by spruce and pine forests. The southern border is formed by the Peterbühel. The moor is the origin of two small brooks that drain it to the south and north and which both flow into the Glödnitzbach , a tributary of the Gurk .

The majority of the moor is taken up by a population of peat moss mountain pines (Sphagno-Mugetum). It is a late Ice Age relic society that grows on peaty, acidic, waterlogged soils. A rare plant found here is the marsh dragon arum ( Calla palustris ). Typical representatives of the raised bog are: small-fruited cranberries , rosemary heather , round-leaved sundew, cotton grass, mountain pines and alpine rushes .

At the edge of the moor there are representatives of the fens : Carex vesicaria , Carex echinata , Carex pallescens and Carex panicea , purple loosestrife , buckthorn , fever clover and swamp valerian .

Nature reserve

The Türkenmoos nature reserve was established in 1986 (LGBl. No. 12/1986) and covers 19 hectares.

supporting documents

  • Helmut Hartl, Hans Sampl, Ralf Unkart: Carinthia's gems. National parks, nature reserves, landscape reserves, natural monuments . Kärntner Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Klagenfurt 1993, ISBN 3-85391-092-0 , p. 96.

Coordinates: 46 ° 52 ′ 56 ″  N , 14 ° 6 ′ 3 ″  E