TAT sheet

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TAT sheet

description Anarchist magazine
Area of ​​Expertise autonomy
language German
First edition 1988
Sold edition 4000 copies
( DadA )
Web link TATblatt OnlineArchiv

The TATblatt was an Austrian anarchist magazine.


The TATblatt began as a medium for quick counter-information from and for political activists after the student strike in 1987/88 with the number -101. While the idea of ​​producing a two-day newspaper was behind the project at the beginning, the publication frequency of the TATblatt fluctuated between two weeks and a month.

After 17 years, almost 320 issues and over 7,500 pages produced, the last issue of the TATblatt was published at the end of June 2005 .

Significance and classification by the authorities

The TATblatt became known to a wider public through the donations made to the TATblatt by Jörg Haider from the former Minister of the Interior, Caspar Eine .

For years, the BVT classified the TATblatt, together with the newspaper akin, as a left-wing extremist magazine. The TATblatt was the only newspaper in Austria that printed statements of attacks by the militant left in Austria in the original text.

Recent upturn experienced the TATblatt during the protests against the after the parliamentary elections of 1999 used ÖVP-FPÖ coalition government , in actions and demonstrations, including the up Thursday demonstrations , manifested. Over the years, all of these protests were documented in the TATblatt as the “chronology of resistance”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Verfassungsschutzbericht 2006 ) of the BVT@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.bmi.gv.at
  2. http://tatblatt.net/ Resistance Schronologie/ chronik2005.html