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TUSMA (abbreviation for T elefoniere u nd S tudenten m achen a lles ) was a student employment agency founded in 1949 by students of the Technical University of Berlin in West Berlin and later in all of Berlin , which filed for bankruptcy in 2005 . TUSMA was a registered association with an exemption for job placement. TUSMA was founded, among other things, because the rulers of East Berlin refused to grant scholarships to politically unpopular students . The students were therefore dependent on additional income. The first job was to repair a bell. In addition to TUSMA, which resided in Hardenbergstraße and looked after students from the Technical University as well as those from the then University of the Arts and the Technical University of Applied Sciences . At the same time, the Heinzelmännchen were founded as a student employment agency at the Free University ; it continued to exist as the Heinzelmännchen student employment agency until 2019. The Heinzelmännchen, however, had been taken over by the Studentenwerk Berlin and thus in contrast to TUSMA, a project of the Studentenwerk , which is an institution under public law . It is also given as the successor organization, whose students came mainly from the Free University.

Heyday of TUSMA

During the time of the Berlin Wall , workers in Berlin received the Berlin allowance , this also applied to students. Thus, the students had a high incentive to be mediated through TUSMA, as they still received additional money from TUSMA despite commission payments to TUSMA, which is why long-term employment relationships were also gladly processed through TUSMA.

Since many students had already completed an apprenticeship or an apprenticeship before their studies, employers could request students with special specialist knowledge via the specialist placement service. Thus, companies had the opportunity to compensate short-term bottlenecks in skilled workers with competent students. After the fall of the Berlin Wall , the Berlin allowance ceased and there was hardly any incentive for the students to get mediation through TUSMA. Long-term employment relationships in particular were often concluded directly with the employer after the first placement in order to save the commission.

Special mediation TUSMA Santa Claus campaign

The student Santa Clauses and angels from TUSMA, who were placed before Christmas, were particularly well known. From 2000 until the end of TUSMA, the Santa Clauses cooperated with the Heinzelmännchen as "the Berlin Santa Claus" and gave presents to up to 10,000 Berlin families at peak times at Christmas.

The TUSMA was financed exclusively by the commission of the registered students, while the brownies were financed by means of the student union. In particular, the TUSMA Santa Claus campaign was organized by a group of students who actively and creatively supported the TUSMA-financed “Santa Claus” with unpaid telephone services. The success of this concept was shown by the fact that the Santa Claus campaign still had more orders than the TUSMA advertising material for the Santa Claus campaign had to be drastically cut and only the brownies were advertising the city. After German reunification , the number of orders for the Santa Claus campaign soared that paid student telephone workers had to be used for the first time. These were financed by the increased commissions of the placed students. The TUSMA Santa Claus campaign was also the first to recruit Christmas angels accompanied by Santa Claus after a long break. The brownies followed years later. After internal disputes took place in 2004, spin-offs including the Berliner Santa Claus headquarters by a former TUSMA students of all citizens allowed to occur on Christmas Eve as Santa Claus and angel in Berlin and surrounding areas, regardless of student status. The first actors in the Berlin Santa Claus Center came to a large extent from the pool of former TUSMA and Heinzelmännchen Santa Clauses who wanted to continue doing this job after their studies and were no longer allowed to do so with the student employment agencies.

The non-profit TUSMA was also unique in terms of logistics ; As the first in German history, it was allowed to offset student income taxes and thus acted as an efficient interface between the tax office and employers. At times, 20,000 members were registered at TUSMA. Thus, the student culture in West Berlin has been shaped by TUSMA for over 50 years.


At the time when the TUSMA Santa Clauses were still in competition with the Brownies' Santa Clauses, the TUSMA Santa Clauses ordered a Santa Claus from the Brownies for their own Christmas party.

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