Tagtshang Lotsawa

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
stag tshang lo tsa ba dra pa shes rab rin chen
Chinese name
Simplified :
达 仓 译 师
Pinyin :
Dacang yishi

Daydream Hang Lotsawa Sherab Rinchen ( tib. Stag tshang lo tsa ba dra pa shes rab rin chen ; * 1404 , † 1477 ) was a translator and author of the Sakya -School of the 15th century.

He is the author of an annotated text on the various orders of Buddhism, the Grub mtha kun ses kyi rtsa grel , which provides a detailed discussion of all Buddhist orders in ancient India , in particular the doctrine and teaching of the Madhyamika founded by Nagarjuna -School contains.


  • Grub mtha kun ses kyi rtsa grel .


Web links

References and footnotes

  1. xy.tibetcul.com: 宗喀巴 功德 赞
  2. Tagtshang ( stag tshang ) after the place in Tibet.
  3. Chin. Fo Men Zhu Zong Lun Ben Zhu 佛门 诸宗 论 本 注