Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō

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The Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō ( Japanese 大 正 新 脩 大 藏經 , dt. " Taishō -revised Tripiṭaka ") is the authoritative edition of the Chinese Buddhist canon and its Japanese commentaries, which are used by scholars in the 20th century. It was edited by Takakusu Junjirō and others.

Volume 1-85 is literature, with volume 56-84 being Japanese Buddhist literature written in Classical Chinese .

Volumes 86-97 are drawings related to Buddhism and include drawings by a large number of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas .

Volumes 98-100 are texts from various registers of Buddhist texts in Japan.

The 85 volumes of literature contain 5320 individual texts, classified as follows:

tape episode Surname Japanese Sanskrit description
T01-02 1-151 阿含 部 Agon-bu Āgama Collections of early sutras
T03-04 152-219 本 緣 部 Hon'en-bu Jātaka Birth stories
T05-08 220-261 般若 部 Hannya-bu Prajñapāramitā Perfection of wisdom
T09a 262-277 法 華 部 Hokke-bu Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Lotus of the true Dharma
T09b-10 278-309 華嚴 部 Kegon -bu Avataṁsaka Flower garland
T11-12a 310-373 寶 積 部 Hōshaku-bu Ratnakūṭa Jewel peak: collected Mahāyāna sutras.
T12b 374-396 涅槃 部 Nehan-bu Nirvāṇa Buddha's dying
T13 397-424 大 集 部 Daishu-bu Mahāsannipāta The big collection
T14-17 425-847 經 集 部 Kyōshū-bu Sūtrasannipāta Collected sutras
T18-21 848-1420 密 教 部 Mikkyō -bu Tantra Esoteric teachings
T22-24 1421-1504 律 部 Ritsu- bu Vinaya Monastic virtue
T25-26a 1505-1535 釋 經 論 部 Shakukyon-bu Sūtravyākaraṇa Treatises explaining the sutras
T26b-29 1536-1563 毗 曇 部 Bidon-bu Abhidharma Systematic analysis
T30a 1564-1578 中 觀 部類 Chūgan-burui Madhyamaka Texts from the Mittelweg School
T30b-32 1579-1627 瑜伽 部類 Yuga-burui yoga Texts of the meditation school ( Yogācāra )
T32 1628-1692 論 集 部 Ronshu-bu Śāstra Treatises
T33-39 1693-1803 經 疏 部 Kyōsho-bu Sūtravibhāṣa Clarify the sutra
T40a 1804-1815 律 疏 部 Rissho-bu Vinayavibhāṣa Clarify the Vinaya
T40b-44a 1816-1850 論 疏 部 Ronsho-bu Śāstravibhāṣa Clarify the treatises
T44b-48 1851-2025 諸宗 部 Shoshu-bu Sarvasamaya All sects
T49-52 2026-2120 史 傳 部 Shiden-bu Stories
T53-54a 2121-2136 事 彙 部 Jii-bu Collected materials
T54b 2137-2144 外教 部 Gekyō-bu Non-Buddhist teachings
T55 2145-2184 目錄 部 Mokuroku- bu Catalogs
T56-83 2185-2700 續 經 疏 部 Zokukyōsho-bu Japanese comments
T84 2701-2731 悉 曇 部 Sittan-bu Siddham Essays on the Siddhaṃ scripture
T85a 2732-2864 古 逸 部 Koitsu-bu antiquity
T85b 2865-2920 疑似 部 Giji-bu Doubtful
T86-97 圖像 部 Zuzō-bu Illustrations
98-100 昭和 法寶 總 目錄 Shōwa Hōhō-sō Mokuryo Japanese Literature Index


  • T. Matsumoto (1934), Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō or “Taishō Issaikyō” for short, magazine of the German Oriental Society 88 (nF 13), no. 2, 194-199

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