Namorada dam

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Namorada dam
Tributaries: Barranco de Santa Luzia
Drain: Barranco de Santa Luzia
Namorada Dam (Portugal)
Namorada dam
Coordinates 38 ° 5 '13 "  N , 7 ° 53' 51"  W Coordinates: 38 ° 5 '13 "  N , 7 ° 53' 51"  W.
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1996 to
Height above valley floor: 10.18 m
Height above foundation level : 14.7 m
Height of the structure crown: 175.18 m
Building volume: 95,000 m³
Crown length: 472.5 m
Crown width: 5 m
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 173 m
Water surface 0.46 km²dep1
Storage space 1.507 million m³
Total storage space : 1.543 million m³
Design flood : 76.58 m³ / s

The Namorada Dam ( Portuguese Barragem de Namorada ) is located in the Alentejo region of Portugal in the Beja district . It dams the Barranco de Santa Luzia into a reservoir. The city of Beja is about six kilometers southeast of the dam.

The project to build the dam began in 1996. The dam is used for irrigation.

Barrier structure

The barrier structure is a dam with a height of 14.7 m above the foundation level (10.18 m above the river bed). The top of the dam is at a height of 175.18 m above sea level . The length of the dam crest is 472.5 m and its width 5 m. The volume of the dam is 95,000 m³.

The dam wall has both a bottom outlet and a flood relief . A maximum of 1.98 m³ / s can be discharged via the bottom outlet, and a maximum of 46.66 m³ / s via the flood discharge. The design flood is 76.58 m³ / s; the probability of this event occurring has been determined to be once in 500 years.


With the normal storage target of 173 m (maximum 173.91 m at high water), the reservoir extends over an area of ​​around 0.46 km² and holds 1.543 million m³ of water - of which 1.507 million m³ can be used.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d NAMORADA DAM. APA Barragens de Portugal, accessed January 21, 2015 .