Thong (coin)

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The thong , also known as tanck , was a coin in Portuguese India , including in the colonies of Goa , Diu and Daman . This colonial coin was valid from 1615 until the 1950s. The thong was minted in silver from 1615 to 1765 and in copper from 1765. This coin was considered a bill coin and a coin in circulation . The issues were also made in denominations such as 1/8; ¼; ½ and 1/12 thong.

  • 1 Tanga = 5 Vintin = 60 Reis / Rees = 75 Bazurucas
  • 1 2/5 thong = 1 larin
  • 5 thong = 1 perda / xerasin
  • 16 thong = 1 santeme
  • until 1871 had 10 thongs = 1 rupee
  • after 1871 16 thongs = 1 rupiah = 960 rice

The obverse of the image on the coin was the coat of arms of Portugal with inscription and the year of issue and in the reverse there was inscription and value.


  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, pp. 338, 369.