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Tangrintel (m; der ...) is a historical name for an area on the plateau between the rivers Altmühl and Schwarze Laber . The landscape name Tangrintel is made up of the Middle High German word "tan" (wide forest) and the Old High German word "grindel / grintil" (bolt, lock). The boundaries of the Tangrintel are not clearly defined and have changed over the centuries. In the high Middle Ages, “Districtus Tangrintel” was the name given to a fiscal district, later only a limited area in the area near Hemau . The term has experienced a revival since the 1970s and today describes the whole area around the town of Hemau in the Regensburg district .


  • Hans Dachs: The emergence of the city of Hemau on the Tangrintel , in: VHVO No. 90, pp. 125–162, Regensburg 1940
  • Thomas Feuerer (Ed.): 700 years of Hemau, the city on the Tangrintel 1305–2005. Norderstedt 2006
  • Manfred Jehle: Parsberg. Historical Atlas of Bavaria, part of Old Bavaria, issue 51 , Munich 1981
  • Georg Paulus: The "districtus Tangrintel". On the scope of a medieval royal estate and the change in the meaning of its name , in: Die Oberpfalz, 93rd year, issue 6, pp. 339-350, Kallmünz 2005
  • Katrin Simbeck, Wolfgang Janka: The landscape name Tangrintel and the settlement name Hemau , in: Katrin Simbeck, Wolfgang Janka (ed.): Names in Altbayern, Regensburger Studien zur Namenforschung 8, Regensburg 2013, pp. 215–228

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Georg Paulus: The "districtus Tangrintel". On the scope of a medieval royal estate and the change in the meaning of its name. In: Die Oberpfalz, 93rd year, issue 6, pp. 339-350, Kallmünz 2005