Tantara ny Andriana eto Madagasikara

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The Tantara ny Andriana eto Madagasikara ( History of the Nobles in Madagascar ) is a collection of oral traditions about the Kingdom of Imerina in Madagascar . It was recorded and edited by the Jesuit missionary François Callet between 1878 and 1881. Originally the collection was written in Malagasy . In 1908 it was published in French translation (Tantara ny Andriana - Histoire des rois).

Many events in the Kingdom of Madagascar are only recorded in this collection, so it forms the core of any historical work on Merina. In addition, there are also lesser traditions from other Malagasy tribes. However, the book has often been commented on, criticized and questioned. For example: Ravelojaona et al., 1937; Ramilison, 1951; Kent, 1970; Délivré, 1974; Berg 1988; and Larson, 2000.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ François Callet: Tantara ny andriana eto Madagasikara (histoire des rois) ( fr ). Imprimerie catholique, Antananarivo 1908 (1972).
  2. & Razafindrazaka Rasamimanana: Ny Andriantopokoindrindra: Fanasoavana ny tantaran'i Madagasikara . Librairie Mixte, 1930.
  3. Randzavola, Rajaonah G. Ravelojaona: Firaketana ny Fiteny sy ny Zavatra Malagasy . Antananarivo: Imprimerie Tanananarivienne, 1937.
  4. Emmanuel Ramilison: Ny loharanon'ny andriana nanjaka teto Imerina: Andriantomara-Andriamamilazabe . Imprimerie Ankehitriny, 1951.
  5. ^ Raymond K. Kent: Early Kingdoms in Madagascar, 1500-1700 . Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970, ISBN 0-03-084171-2 .
  6. Alain Délivré: L'histoire des rois d'Imerina: interprétation d'une tradition orale . Kliencksiek, Paris, 447 pp., 1974, ISBN 2-252-01767-8 .
  7. Gerald M. Berg: Sacred Acquisition: Andrianampoinimerina at Ambohimanga, 1777-1790 . In: The Journal of African History . 29, No. 2, 1988, pp. 191-211. doi : 10.1017 / S002185370002363X .
  8. ^ Pier M. Larson: History and Memory in the Age of Enslavement. Becoming Merina in Highland Madagascar, 1770–1822 . Social History of Africa Series. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 414 pp., 2000, ISBN 0-325-00217-7 .