Tokugawa Munetake

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Tokugawa Munetaka

Tokugawa Munetake ( Japanese 田 安 宗 武 , also: Tayasu Munetake ; * 1715 ; † 1771 ) was a Japanese samurai , waka poet and kokugaku scholar.

Tokugawa was a son of the Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune and the first head of the Tayasu branch of the Tokugawa family. He was a follower and scholar of the traditional Kokugaku (National School) and dealt with the oldest Japanese poetry collection Man'yōshū in the wake of Kamo no Mabuchi . He wrote waka poems himself in the traditional style and was considered an important promoter of literature. One of his sons was the politician and reformer Matsudaira Sadanobu .
