Team Shosholoza

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Team Shosholoza at the German Sailing Grand Prix 2006
Training in Valencia, 2007

Team Shosholoza is a South African sailing team that was the first syndicate with black sailors to take part in the America's Cup . Team boss is Salvatore Sarno, who had a total budget of 40 million euros - one fifth of Alinghi's budget .

Participation in the America's Cup

The team, founded in 2003, started in 2007 for the first time at the 32nd America's Cup . The team included Salvatore Sarno as team boss, Mark Sadler as skipper and Paolo Cian as helmsman . Apart from a few stars, the team consisted almost entirely of South Africans with no cup experience. There were police officers and rugby players as well as young people from the townships on the team. The team had T-Systems as a sponsor and achieved a surprising seventh place in the Louis Vuitton Cup , leaving the United Internet Team Germany behind, among others .

The team

Also on the team: Jason Ker (Designer), Ian Ainslie, Tommaso Chieffi, Marc Lagesse (Afterguard), as well as the German Boat Captain Tim Kröger. He is considered to be one of the most experienced sailors in the team and one of the contacts for the young sailors.

Web links

Commons : Team Shosholoza  - collection of images, videos and audio files