Tegame (nuragica)

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Tegami from the Nuraghe San Pietro

The tegame ( Italian pan ) is a pan- like ceramic container from the Nuragic era that was used to cook food. Its distribution covers a chronological span from the Bronze Age (from 1800–1600 BC) to the Iron Age (900–510 BC). The majority of the tegami were found in nuraghi , where they can make up half of the pottery. They have an open low shape, variable dimensions, a wide base, with a base or handle on the wall, sometimes decorated with complex motifs.

One of the fragments of the pan found in the giant grave of S'Ena 'e Thomes near Dorgali is remarkable , which is characterized by convex walls and a flat bottom that is not very pronounced. It has a rounded edge, noticeably sloping walls on the outside and a ribbed strap handle that runs from the wall to the floor. The surface is smooth, brown in color.

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