Pond snake

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Pond snake
Trunk : Annelids (Annelida)
Class : Belt worms (Clitellata)
Order : Haplotaxida
Family : Naididae
Genre : Stylaria
Type : Pond snake
Scientific name
Stylaria lacustris
( Linnaeus , 1767)

The pond snake or pond snake ( Stylaria lacustris ) is a ringworm (Annelida) belonging to the Naididae . The species, discovered as early as the 18th century, is a typical representative of the Naidinae subfamily .


Individual animals reach a length of 10 mm, animal chains up to 20 mm. The pond snake is transparent and brown in color. Dark pigment rings on the intestine. The species is equipped with two eyes. The long antennae at the front end is unpaired, sharply defined and movable. Pond snakes can swim well.


The reproduction usually takes place asexually through chain formation . Sexual reproduction also takes place in autumn. The cocoons covered in slime are found on aquatic plants.

Distribution and way of life

Northern Europe, North America and Panama. Pond snakes are found on aquatic plants and in the mud of rivers and stagnant water. They feed on algae . The saprobic index for this species is 2.3.


  • Herbert W. Ludwig: Animals and plants of our waters. Characteristics, biology, habitat, endangerment . BLV Verlag, ISBN 978-3-405-16487-4

Individual evidence

  1. Occurrences at www.gbif.net  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed December 29, 2009)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.gbif.net  
  2. Meyer, Detlef .: Macroscopic biological field methods for assessing the water quality of rivers: with lists of species for beginning and experienced investigators and detailed descriptions and images of the indicator organisms . 4th, unchanged. BUND, Hannover 1990, ISBN 3-9800871-4-X .

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