Tell (Nigeria)

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Tell is an English-language weekly magazine in Nigeria published in Ikeja .

The first issue of Tell was published on April 8, 1991 by TELL Communications Ltd , which also publishes the Broad Street Journal . The newspaper is called "Nigeria's independent weekly" and sees itself as the mouthpiece of the Nigerian people. Tell reaches an approximate circulation of 80,000 copies, of which 60,000 are sold in Nigeria.

As a government critical newspaper, Tell was harassed by the Nigerian domestic intelligence service State Security Service during the military dictatorship of Sani Abacha . In December 1995, the Tell printing works were raided , 55,000 issues were confiscated and several journalists were arrested. Editor-in-chief Nosa Igiebor was arrested on December 23, 1995, but released on June 24, 1996.



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