Tenji Mainichi

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Read braille

Tenji Mainichi ( Japanese 点 字 毎 日 ) is a national newspaper in Braille, which is published weekly by the Mainichi Shimbun . The abbreviation Tenmai is also common. The newspaper is published both in Braille ( tenji ) and as a printed version.


The newspaper first appeared on November 5, 1922, published by the then Mainichi Shimbun Ōsaka. The publication of Tenji Mainichi was linked to the completion of the newspaper's new office complex. Since this edition, it has been contributing to the advancement of the well-being and culture of the visually impaired and supporting the choice of blind people in the selection and production of textbooks for the blind.

The Tenji Mainichi does not consist of the content of the articles of the Mainichi Shimbun, but it has its own editorial team, which compiles and edits the content. Editing and production are currently, as at the beginning, back in Osaka. Tenji Mainichi's annual subscription costs 20,000 yen (approx. 180 euros), the printed version 12,500 yen (approx. 112 euros). While the Tenji Mainichi was changed over to block letters and from A4 to A2 newspaper format (597 mm × 375 mm) in 1998, a CD version of Tenji Mainichi has been published every two weeks since 2005, Tenji Mainichi Onseihan ( 点 字毎 日 音 声 版 ) with spoken articles.

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