Terra Nova (think tank)

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Terra Nova is a French think tank with a social democratic orientation, which is assigned to the environment of the French President Emmanuel Macron .

Terra Nova prepares reports and analyzes on current political issues. Suggested solutions are intended to contribute to public debates and discussions. The think tank also aims to contribute to the renewal of social democracy and social democratic programs in France and throughout Europe through its work.


Terra Nova was founded in 2008 by Olivier Ferrand , a later MP for the Socialist Party and former advisor to former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin , to help renew left politics. Since then, Terra Nova has gained considerable influence in political and media circles, producing more than 30 extensive reports and analyzes between 2008 and 2012, which were often featured in newspapers such as Le Monde and Liberation . In 2009, a 2008 analysis by Terra Nova served to convince the Socialist Party that an open primary system was in place to determine the candidate for the 2012 presidential election. In the same year, Terra Nova published a report recommending that the left no longer rely so much on the traditional working class in elections and more on a broad alliance of women, young people and ethnic minorities. Such an alliance is held together by "progressive values".


Terra Nova contributes to public debates with two types of publications: with long, detailed analyzes called "reports" and with shorter "policy briefs" or "remarks" on topical issues, which Terra Nova publishes online several times a week be asked.

In preparing the analyzes, Terra Nova relies on a wide-ranging network of experts, mainly consisting of academics, researchers, government employees and people with special knowledge. Working groups on specific political issues such as 'education', 'financial regulation' or 'the environment' are formed from these experts.

Terra Nova also seeks to stimulate debate on political issues by organizing public events such as debates and round tables with experts, leaders and other people in public life.

Young people are addressed through the student wing, Terra Nova Etudiants , which also produces reports and policy briefs and organizes events.


After the founder of think tank Olivier Ferrand passed away in 2012, François Chérèque became president of Terra Nova, a former general secretary of CFDT , one of the largest trade union organizations in France. Together with his office and a board of directors consisting of politicians, academics and business people, he coordinates the activities of Terra Nova. He oversaw the work and policy direction of Terra Nova, while a Director General is responsible for day-to-day operations. Lionel Zinso became his successor in June 2017 .

Political positions

Terra Nova is officially independent and has no organizational ties to any party, but has traditionally been viewed as affiliated with the Socialist Party. For example, the founder Olivier Ferrand was elected to the National Assembly for the Socialist Party in 2012 . However, the proximity to the SP did not prevent Terra Nova from criticizing the party's policies on a case-by-case basis. After the Socialist Party came to power in 2012, the independent position of the think tank allowed it to produce its own political analyzes that were not necessarily in line with the government's line.

At the time of Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency , Terra Nova, which saw itself as a left-wing think tank, harshly criticized his tax policy, which in its opinion favored large companies and the better-off at the expense of average families, and classified its hardline policy on immigration and domestic issues Security as "anti-republican".

Some of Terra Nova’s positions have met with opposition from within the left, particularly its support for pension reform and its efforts to develop a left electoral strategy based on progressive values ​​rather than class interests.

In 2009, a 2008 Terra Nova report served to persuade the Socialist Party to try an open primary system for selecting candidates for the 2012 presidential election.

After the election of the socialist candidate François Hollande as President of France in 2012, Terra Nova was perceived as basically sympathetic, but at a critical distance from the government. Terra Nova's report on banking reform, which included a proposal to separate the areas for investment and general banking, took a critical look at the policies of the socialist government.

In 2013, Terra Nova proposed investing significant amounts in pre-school and early childhood education. This is one of the best ways to promote social mobility and achieve equal opportunities.

Individual evidence

  1. [1] Description of the goals on the Terra Nova website
  2. Article in Le Monde of December 12, 2017 on climate policy
  3. Article in Liberation of November 23, 2017
  4. Article Terra Nova relance l'idée de primaires in: Humanité of November 15, 2013
  5. Terra Nova dossier of May 10, 2011, accessed on January 2, 2018
  6. DIRECTION ET PERMANENTS Terra Nova website , accessed January 2, 2018.
  7. Article in the magazine Valeurs actuelles on June 29, 2017. Retrieved on January 2, 2018
  8. Rénovation énergétique: Terra Nova dénonce l'inaction du gouvernement . Le-diagnostic-immobilier.com. October 31, 2013. Retrieved November 15, 2013.
  9. Bilan fiscal du quinquennat: nouvelle querelle gauche-droite . Lesechos.fr. March 7, 2012. Retrieved November 15, 2013.
  10. ^ Réforme bancaire: quand Moscovici a voulu censurer Terra Nova - Arrêt sur images . Arretsurimages.net. November 8, 2013. Retrieved November 15, 2013.
  11. ^ L'enfance: un investissement d'avenir | Terra Nova . Tnova.fr. Retrieved November 15, 2013.

Web links