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Tertial is a foreign word from Latin meaning a third . In the temporal sense, a third is understood to mean a third of a year , i.e. a period of four months .

At some universities and schools, the academic or school year is not divided into two six-month semesters , but into three sections of four months each, which are then called tertials.

In medical studies in Germany, the last academic year, the so-called practical year , is divided into tertials. According to the definition of the Medical Licensing Regulations, these are not four months, but each exactly 16 weeks.

Tertials of the calendar year and their months

The following table shows the division of the calendar year into tertials. This generally does not apply to the division of a study or school year into tertials.

Tertial Months Start of tertiary End of the term Duration
I. January, February, March and April January 1st April, 30th 120 days, in leap years 121 days
II May, June, July and August 1st of May August 31 123 days
III September, October, November and December September 1 December 31 122 days

See also

  • Quarter (quarterly, i.e. three months)
  • Trimester (division of an academic year into four sections of three months each)