Testimonia of Qumran

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4QTestimonia: In lines 1 and 19, four points are set instead of the tetragram .

Testimonia (4Q175 or 4QTest) is the name for a short leather manuscript probably from the 1st century BC. It consists of only 30 lines and contains four texts from the 4th and 5th book of Moses , one after the other, as well as a quote from the apocryphal Joshua apocryphon with an interpretation. All texts are about a messianic person at the end of time and the blessing of God that rests on him.

The text is divided into four sections, new paragraphs are also marked by a scribe mark at the beginning of the line:

  • Dtn 5,28-29  L , Dtn 18,18-19  L : announcement of a prophet like Moses
  • Num 24,15-17  L : Fourth Balaam prophecy: announcement of a Messiah like David ("star out of Jacob")
  • Dtn 33,8-11  L : Moses blessing on the tribe of Levi
  • Jos 6,26  L and part of the Joshua apocryphon 4Q379 f. 22ii, 7-15: Curse on the rebuilder of Jerichos and announcement of a "man of Belial" and two successors, "tools of iniquity"

Only the (later) Hebrew Masoretic text mentions Jericho in Jos 6:16 ; the name is not mentioned in the Greek Septuagint version.

In the New Testament Dtn 18,18-19  L in Acts 22,16  L and Num 24,15-17  L at the beginning of the Gospel according to Luke and in the Revelation of John are quoted, the Messiah expectation was interpreted here in each case to Jesus Christ .

The writer of the manuscript probably also wrote the church rule (1QS), a Samuel fragment (4Q53), and the scroll of blessings (1QSb). The manuscript was found in 1952 in Cave 4 in Qumran and is now in the Jordan Museum in Amman .


  • Géza G. Xeravits, Peter Porzig: Introduction to the Qumran literature. de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2015, pp. 129–130.

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