Viêt Võ Dao

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Cracked leg scissors ( Vovinam technique)

Việt Võ Đạo (越 武 道) describes the " philosophy " on which many Vietnamese martial arts are based . The term is also used as a generic term for many Vietnamese martial arts. Some schools simply call their style Việt Võ Đạo.

Việt (越) = reference to the country of origin Vietnam
(武) = martial art
Đạo (道) = "The path" that the learner takes / "The method" / "The principle"


After and during the Vietnam War , many Vietnamese martial arts were scattered across the world and developed further and apart.

The "Việt Võ Đạo Federation" was founded on November 3rd, 1973 to reunite as many Vietnamese martial arts as possible. Amongst other things:

The Việt Võ Đạo Federation also makes it its task to develop techniques further and to spread them around the world.

In a logical continuation, Việt Võ Đạo becomes “Nhan Võ Đạo”, the philosophy of the martial arts of “all of humanity”.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence