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Baihequan ( Chinese  白鶴 拳  /  白鹤 拳 , Pinyin báihèquán , Japanese hakutsuru-ken ) refers to the white crane style or the white crane fist in Chinese martial arts .

Baihequan originates from Shaolin boxing in southern China and forms one of the five foundations of the Chinese martial arts (five animal systems of Shaolin ( Wu Xing Xi ): dragon , snake , tiger , leopard and crane ). In southern China, "white crane boxing " (Pe̍h-ho̍h-kûn) was practiced. In all crane styles, the tendons , especially those in the hands and forearms, are trained and used well into the meditative pain threshold. The crane style is related to the element of waterassigned. All crane styles are characterized by fast movements in which hard and soft movements complement each other.

The kata of the karate style Gōjū-ryū are said to be derived at least partially from the Baihequan. Baihequan is covered in the book of Bubishi .
