Gallup Organization

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The Gallup Organization is one of the leading market and opinion research institutes based in Washington, DC

The current CEO is Jim Clifton. The Gallup Organization is represented in around 30 cities worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: Gallup Poll, Gallup Consulting, Gallup University and Gallup Press. The company has conducted opinion polls on various American and international topics since 1935. The founding of the organization goes back to George Gallup , who wanted to combine the various areas of activity under one roof in 1958. The work in Europe is coordinated by Gallup Europe, based in Brussels .

In the 1980s, Gallup determined the official British charts .

The Gallup Organization should not be confused with the Gallup International Association GIA , which is often referred to as Gallup for short in the media .

Business areas

Gallup Poll

The Gallup Poll forms the core area of ​​the institute and collects analyzes and surveys on various international topics in 160 countries. The pollsters measure political and economic areas as well as trends on social and societal issues.

Gallup Consulting

The Gallup Consulting is dedicated to advising companies on the basis of the analyzes developed in the areas of customer and employee satisfaction .

Gallup University

The Gallup University offers courses and development opportunities for individuals and companies in the fields of business planning and organization.

Gallup Press

The Gallup Press collects information for the press and businesses. The institute regularly publishes books, studies, and journals, such as the monthly online Gallup Management Journal .

Surveys in Germany

Gallup conducts an annual survey on the level of motivation among employees in Germany. The results of the survey published in 2016 showed that only 15 percent of German employees were satisfied with their job.

Web links

Commons : Gallup Organization  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Can you get new enthusiasm for your old job? , Huffington Post. Retrieved March 7, 2017