Theory (logic)

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In mathematical logic , a theory ( first-order predicate logic ) is a set of statements about a signature .


A set of statements is called deductively closed if all statements are made

it already follows that

If there is a language, then a theory is a deductively closed set of statements about this language.

(Note: the definitions are not uniform in the literature. In some cases, it is also not required that a theory be deductively closed.)

A set of statements is a set of axioms for a theory if the deductive conclusion of those statements is the theory.

If there is a structure, it is a theory, since this set is deductively closed.



  • The power of a theory is its power as a set, or at least countable.
  • A theory is consistent when it doesn't contain every sentence. (This is equivalent to not including a sentence of the form " ".)
  • The theory is complete when it contains either it or its negation for each proposition.
  • The theory is finitely axiomatizable if it is the deductive conclusion of a finite set of statements.

Model theory

  • A theory is model-complete if the fact that one model is in the other means that it is also fundamentally in the other.
  • A theory has quantifier elimination if it is the deductive closure of a set of formulas that were formed without quantifiers.
  • A theory is categorical in a cardinal number if it has only one model of power apart from isomorphism .
  • A complete theory is called small or narrow if it is countable for all . ( is the set of all complete types in variables.)


Important sentences about theories are:

The Gödel completeness theorem :

  • Every consistent theory has a model.

The Löwenheim-Skolem :

  • If a theory has a model in an infinite cardinal number, it also has one in every cardinal number greater than or equal to its power.

The set of Morley :

  • If a countable theory is categorical in an uncountable cardinal number, then in every one.


The theory of natural numbers

The theory of natural numbers is formulated using language , the axioms formalize the following statements:

  • Zero is not a value of the (successor function) S.
  • The successor function is injective
  • For everyone is
  • For everyone is
  • For everyone is
  • For everyone is
  • For everyone is

In addition, the induction formula with an axiom is for each formula :

( stands for )

The theory of natural numbers is incomplete. There is no consistent recursively enumerable expansion of the natural numbers. This is the statement of the incompleteness theorem .

The theory of dense linear order with no endpoints

The theory of the dense linear order without end points is the theory of the rational numbers with the order relation "<". The axioms are in detail:

  1. (Trichotomy)
  2. (Asymmetry)
  3. (Transitivity)
  4. (Openness)
  5. (Tightness)

It has the following properties, among others

  • It is finitely axiomatizable, but has no finite models.
  • It is complete and model-complete .
  • All countable models are isomorphic (for proof ), in uncountable cardinal numbers there are non-isomorphic models. In the language of model theory this means: It is - categorical , but not categorical in uncountable cardinal numbers: If an uncountable cardinal number, then this theory has non-isomorphic models of power .
  • It is the (uniquely determined) model companion of the theory of the linear order.
  • With the rational numbers it has a prime model . (This is a model that can be fundamentally embedded in any other model.)
  • Every model is atomic .
  • It has quantifier elimination .
  • It is not stable .

The theory of algebraically closed bodies (in the characteristic p or 0)

  • It is complete.
  • She has a prime model.
  • It is -categorical, but not categorical in an uncountable cardinal number.
  • It has quantifier elimination.

Individual evidence

  1. Chang, Chen C., Keisler, H. Jerome: Model Theory. Amsterdam [u. a.], North-Holland, 1998, p. 12


  • H.-D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, W. Thomas: Introduction to Mathematical Logic , Spectrum Academic Publishing House, ISBN 3-8274-0130-5
  • Wilfrid Hodges : Model theory. Cambridge University Press, 1993, ISBN 0-521-30442-3 .
  • Chang, Chen C., Keisler, H. Jerome: Model Theory. Amsterdam [u. a.], North-Holland, 1998.
  • Prestel, Alexander: Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Model Theory. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1986. (Vieweg course; 60: advanced course in mathematics). ISBN 3-528-07260-1 . 286 pp.
  • Philipp Rothmaler: Introduction to Model Theory. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995, ISBN 978-3-86025-461-5 .