Quantifier elimination

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In model theory, quantifier elimination denotes a certain property of theories: It is said that a theory has quantifier elimination if every formula within the theory is equivalent to a formula without quantifiers . For example, in a field (e.g. in real numbers ) the formula that says that has a multiplicative inverse element is equivalent to , that is, that . There are no more quantifiers in. If every formula can be transformed into such a quantifier-free formula, then the theory possesses quantifier elimination. In theories with quantifier elimination, any formulas can be transformed into quantifier-free and thus simpler formulas.


Be a language and a theory (i.e. a set of statements ). Then has quantifier elimination if for all formulas a quantifier- free formula exists with .

Simple criterion

In order to check whether a theory has quantifier elimination, it is sufficient to prove this only for a simple type of formula: The universal quantifier can be converted into an existential quantifier with the help of a double negation. This can be removed inductively from the inside to the outside, so that it only has to be proven for formulas of the form with quantifier-free that they are equivalent to a quantifier-free formula.

If one brings into disjunctive normal form and pulls the existential quantifier past the disjunction inwards, one sees that one can restrict oneself to such formulas that consist of a conjunction of elementary formulas or negations of such formulas. Formulas of the form in which this shape has are also called primitive existence formulas .


Infinite quantities

The theory of infinite sets can be formulated in a language without constant, function and relation symbols: The formula says that there are at least elements. therefore axiomatizes infinite sets. A primitive existence formula has the form where is quantifier-free and has any free variables. If , then the formula is equivalent to. Because the formula says that one is sought that agrees with all , so that only one option remains for. If, on the other hand , the formula is equivalent to , since something different from all is sought, which according to the axioms of the theory of infinite sets always exists. Thus every primitive existential formula is equivalent to a quantifier-free formula; the theory possesses quantifier elimination.

Further examples

Many other theories have quantifier elimination, including the following:



A consistent theory without constants that has quantifier elimination is automatically complete , that is, it either proves itself or for every statement . This can be seen as follows: in theory, every statement is equivalent to a quantifier-free statement. But since there are no constants, the only quantifier-free statements are the true ( ) and the false ( ) statement. The theory thus proves either or . An example of this case is the theory of infinite sets above.

In general, the following applies: A theory with quantifier elimination is model-complete : If there are two models of , then an elementary extension is that the theories and of and agree. Because of the quantifier elimination, this only has to be proven for quantifier-free formulas, but such are only valid in when they are valid in, since the substructure of is.

Algebraic Geometry

Algebraic geometry deals with algebraic varieties , the sets of zeros of polynomials. From Chevalley comes the theorem that the projection of such a variety onto a subspace can again be described by polynomials if the basic field is algebraically closed. This can be proven by using the quantifier elimination of the theory of algebraically closed fields: Let the variety be defined as the set of roots of the polynomials for . The projection onto the first coordinates is then given by . This formula is equivalent to a quantifier-free formula, which is a Boolean combination of elementary formulas of the type “Polynomials = 0”, so the projection is a Boolean combination of varieties.

Other uses

Even the Hilbert Nullstellensatz has based a proof that on the quantifier theory algebraically closed field. A proof exists for Hilbert's seventeenth problem , which is based on the quantifier elimination of the theory of real closed fields.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Martin Ziegler: Script Model Theory 1 . (PDF; 649 kB) p. 43 ff.