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Thieto († April 6 after 942) was abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Gallen from 933 to 942.


The name Thieto has many notes both in the profession book of St. Gallen and in the monk lists of the fraternization books. Therefore, nothing clear can be said about his career. During his tenure as abbot he was recorded twice; in an undated document and in Otto I's diploma of April 7, 940, in which Thieto's immunity , right to vote and inquisition is confirmed. Decisive for the further course of his term of office was the devastating fire, which caused much more damage than the Hungarians in 926 during the tenure of his predecessor Engilbert . The fire was started by a monastery student and destroyed most of the facilities. Thieto began with the reconstruction, "but depressed by age and worries about the abbey" he did not finish it. Instead, he resigned on May 31, 942.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Anton Gössi: Short biographies of the abbots . In: Johannes Duft, Anton Gössi and Werner Vogler (eds.): The St. Gallen Abbey . St. Gallen 1986, ISBN 3-906616-15-0 , p. 114 .
predecessor Office successor
Engilbert Abbot of St. Gallen