Tholos tomb from Los Delgados

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Tholos tomb from Los Delgados

The Tholos tomb of Los Delgados (also called El Dorado) a few kilometers southwest of Fuente Obejuna on the upper reaches of the Río Guadiato in the province of Cordoba in Andalusia in Spain is one of a series of megalithic necropolises in the Alto Valle del Guadiato. The ensemble located on the Los Delgados property consists of at least four megalithic systems from the Chalcolithic era in an uneven state of preservation.

The oval Tholos grave, about 4.0 m long, 2.6 m wide and 2.2 m maximum height, consists of a chamber formed by a total of 16 narrow granite orthostats of different heights. No statements can be made about the ceiling design. The approximately 3.0 m long, 0.75 m wide and 1.1 m high straight axial passage is offset to the north in relation to the chamber axis. In contrast to the chamber, the walls are made of masonry alternating with panels. The tilting of some suggests that they are not deeply buried or poorly wedged. In the access area, which was closed off by a wall, there are two small, narrow, elongated slabs at right angles to those of the corridor. The corridor cover has been preserved and consists of five panels. The orientation of the corridor to the east branches off to the northeast. The floor of the entire structure is paved with slabs and it appears that the chamber was originally surrounded by niches that contained human bones and other materials. The approximately 2.1 m high preserved tumulus measures around 45.0 × 40.0 meters.

The oval Tholos tomb was excavated by its former owner in the 1950s.

Nearby is the prehistoric city of La Caraveruela.


  • Rosario Cabrero García: El fenómeno megalítico en Andalucia Occidental.Edición en Microfichas. Universidad de Sevilla, 1988. SE-384/88.
  • Rosario Cabrero García: El yacimiento calcolítico de Los Delgados. Fuente Obejuna, Cordoba. Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Córdoba, 1988. 84-7580-547-7.
  • Rosario Cabrero García: Tipología de sepulcros calcolíticos de Andalucía Occidental. 1985

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Coordinates: 38 ° 13 '24 "  N , 5 ° 28' 36.8"  W.