Thomas Perzeval

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Thomas Perzeval (* in Lübeck ; † 1414 ibid) was a councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck .


The businessman Thomas Perzeval was the son of the mayor of Lübeck, Johannes Perzeval . He was elected to the Lübeck Council by the citizens in 1414 and died shortly after his election. He is listed twice as a documentary witness in Lübeck citizens' wills . Perveval was the owner of a farm in Krempelsdorf in front of the Holstentor and lived in the property at Königstraße 97 in Lübeck's old town .


Individual evidence

  1. Fehling: Council Line No. 372.
  2. Gunnar Meyer: “Owning citizens” and “wretched sick people”: Lübeck's society as reflected in their wills 1400–1449. In: Archive of the Hanseatic City (ed.): Publications on the history of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Series B, Volume 48.Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 2010, ISBN 978-3-7950-0490-3 .