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The Thorakitai (Sing. Thorakites) were an ancient type of army of the Diadochi . They were the further development of the Thureophoroi , but were also used at the same time as them.


Thorakitai were equipped similarly to Thureophoroi, with a "Thureos" shield, several javelins , a xyston and a sword . However, they were even better protected, thorakitai wore chain mail and lamellar armor , greaves on both legs, leather bracers and a helmet.


The Thorakitai were used to support the lighter Thureophoroi, Psiloi , Akonstitai , Sphendonetai and Toxotai . The Thorakitai were relatively well armed and still mobile. They are sometimes referred to as imitation legionnaires because they fought similarly to these: first the enemy formation is disturbed with javelins, then the attack follows.

Thorakitai were instituted by the Kingdom of Epirus , the Seleucids, and Bactria . Thorakitai Argyraspidai only existed among the Seleucids, even if the Parthians copied this type of troop in small numbers for a short time.

Polybios describes the Thorakitai. There are grave reliefs in Sidon which show Thorakitai.
