Tiberius Claudius Ilus

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Tiberius Claudius Ilus was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD . Individual stations of his career, which he completed towards the end of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd century, are known through an inscription. His career is in the inscription as cursus inversus , d. H. in descending order.

The military career of Claudius Ilus consisted of the usual Tres militiae for a member of the equestrian order . First, as prefect , he took over the management of the Cohors I Bosporanorum , which was stationed in the province of Galatia et Cappadocia ; this first post should be dated to the second half of the reign of Domitian (81-96). He exercised his second command as prefect of a Cohors II Gallorum . He then became a tribune in the Legio VII Claudia , which was stationed in Moesia superior .

This was followed by a fourth military post ( quarta militia ) as prefect of the Ala Praetoria , which was also stationed in Moesia superior. This position is further evidenced by a military diploma dated 101/102. With the Ala Praetoria he probably also took part in the Dacer wars of Trajan .

Thereafter Claudius Ilus was presumably prefect of the fleet stationed in Alexandria ( Classis Alexandrina ). Further stations followed the post of praefectus vehiculorum in Italy and the management of the 5% inheritance tax ( procurator XX hereditatium ), which he exercised in Rome. He was then entrusted with the management of two gladiator schools in Rome; first he was head of the Ludus Dacicus ( procurator ludi Dacici ) and then of the Ludus Magnus ( procurator ludi Magni ). This was followed by the last known position in his career; he became prefect of the fleet stationed in Misenum ( Classis praetoria Misenensis ).

See also


  1. inscription (CIL 10, 270 *)
  2. According to Werner Eck , the inscription II says Bosforanor . Since a Cohors II Bosporanorum is not otherwise occupied, according to Eck, it was probably the Cohors I Bosporanorum .
  3. There were several units with this designation (see Cohors II Gallorum ). Which of the units it was concerned with cannot be determined from the inscription.
  4. a b c Werner Eck : The procuratorial career of the knight Ti. Claudius Ilus from Cumae in the alleged inscriptio falsa CIL X, 270 * In: Epigraphica , Volume 81 (2019), pp. 165-182, here pp. 168, 170 -173, 176, 178-179, 182 ( online ).
  5. Military diploma of the year 101/102 ( Chiron-2008-348 )
  6. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: Moesia and his troops. New diplomas for Moesia and Moesia superior In: Chiron, Volume 38 (2008), pp. 317-387, here pp. 345-346 ( online ).
  7. In the diploma of 101/102, some members of the Ala, who presumably had distinguished themselves in the first Dacian war, are granted Roman citizenship before the end of their service life.
  8. According to Werner Eck, the inscription proc. Claudi Alexandrine . With regard to other conceivable alternatives, Eck considers it likely that Claudius Ilus was the commander of the fleet stationed in Alexandria; however, the post of procurator ludi Alexandreae cannot be ruled out.
  9. According to Werner Eck, there are two options for dating his fleet command: either around 118 or around 121/122.