Tibor (comic)

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Tibor, son of the jungle - Tibor, hero of the jungle , is a comic hero created by Hansrudi Wäscher in 1959 for Walter Lehning Verlag .


Tibor is the millionaire Gary Swanson, who crashes in the jungle, initially suffers from amnesia and then settles in there. He lives in a hut with the gorilla Kerak and the little monkeys Pip and Pop, whose main purpose in life seems to be to annoy Kerak.

Creation and publication

Tibor was created to replace Akim after problems with the licenses. Tibor was developed by Wäscher at extremely short notice when the Akim series was over from one day to the next. It was only at the last moment that he decided on the name Tibor and against Tabor. That was a good thing, as the Italian publishers, who had argued for a long time with Lehning about the Akim, also had a series called Tabor in their program, and the choice of this name would certainly have only led to further problems for Lehning.

From September 1959 to April 1963, 187 piccolos were published (retail price: 20/30 pfennigs). From February 1964 to October 1965, as part of the Piccolo-Großband 90 series, additional issues with new adventures were published. From May 1961 to May 1968 a series of 183 large volumes was published in which only reprints appeared (price: 60–80 Pfg.). The major volumes No. 1–82 were reprints by Akim Piccolos, from volume 83 reprints by Tibor Piccolos. Completed stories in single issues appeared in the series Bild Abenteuer . There was also a special volume (1965).

Since Tibor and Akim hardly differed visually from Wäscher (apart from the nuances of the haircut and the coloring of the trousers), Lehning Verlag was able to publish the later Akim Piccolos as Tibor large volumes.

All of Tibor's Lehning publications were reprinted by Norbert Hethke Verlag in the 1980s and 1990s .

Since May 2009, brand new Tibor adventures have been published by Manfred Wildfeuer Verlag. Text and drawings are from Michael Goetze.

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