Tibor Hartel

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Tibor Hartel (* 1978 ) is a Romanian ecologist.

Tibor Hartel studied biology and received his doctorate in 2008 from the Institute of Biology at the Romanian Academy and Constanța Ovidius University . He worked for the National Science Council of Romania in the Biology Department and for the Mihai Eminescu Trust . He is on the Board of Directors of the European Section of the Society for Conservation Biology . His main research interests are conservation biology and social-ecological interactions. He is one of the leading scientists in Romanian amphibious studies.

Publications (selection)

  • R. Plaiasu, R. Bancila, C. Samoila, T. Hartel, D. Cogalniceanu: Aquatic habitat availability and use by amphibian communities in a rural landscape. In: Herpetological Journal. Volume 22, 2012, pp. 13-21.
  • J. Fischer, T. Hartel, T. Kuemmerle: Conservation policy in traditional farming landscapes. In: Conservation Letters . Volume 5, 2012, pp. 167-175.
  • T. Benton, T. Hartel, J. Settele et al: Food security: a role for Europe. In: Nature . Volume 480, 2011, p. 39.
  • J. Fischer, P. Batáry, KS Bawa, L. Brussaard, MJ Chappell, V. Clough, GC Daily, AJ Dorrough, T. Hartel, L. Jackson, A. Klein, C. Kremen, T. Kuemmerle, D. Lindenmayer, H. Mooney, I. Perfecto, S. Philpott, T. Tscharntke, J. Vandermeer, TC Wanger: Limits of land sparing. In: Science . Volume 334, 2011, p. 593.
  • J. Fischer, J. Hanspach, T. Hartel: Continental-scale ecology versus landscape-scale case studies. In: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment . Volume 9, 2011, p. 430.
  • P. Tryjanowski, T. Hartel, A. Báldi, P. Szymanski, M. Tobolka, I. Herzon, A. Golawski, M. Konvicka, M. Hromada, L. Jerzak, K. Kujawa, M. Lenda, M. Orlowski, M. Panek, P. Skórka, TH Sparks, S. Tworek, A. Wuczynski, M. Zmihorsk: Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe. In: Acta Ornithologica. Volume 46, 2011, pp. 79-90.
  • T. Hartel, R. Bancila, D. Cogalniceanu: Spatial and temporal variability of aquatic habitat use by amphibians in a hydrologically modified landscape. In: Freshwater Biology. Volume 56, 2011, pp. 2288-2298.
  • T. Hartel, O. Schweiger, K. Öllerer, D. Cogalniceanu, JW Arntzen: Amphibian distribution in a traditionally managed rural landscape of Eastern Europe: probing the effect of landscape composition. In: Biological Conservation. Volume 143, 2010, pp. 1118-1124.
  • T. Hartel: Weather conditions, breeding date and population fluctuation in Rana dalmatina from Central Romania. In: Herpetological Journal. Volume 18, No. 1, 2008, pp. 40-44.
  • T. Hartel, Sz. Nemes, D. Cogalniceanu, K. Öllerer, O. Schweiger, L. Demeter, CI Moga: The effect of fish and aquatic habitat complexity on amphibians. In: Hydrobiologia. Volume 583, 2007, pp. 173-182.

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