Tilden's Extract

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Tilden Company New Lebanon, NY.jpg

Tilden's extract was an extract of the hemp plant described by James Edward Smith in the 19th century and sold by Tilden & Co.

Smith first formulated the effects as narcotic , anti-spastic and hypnotic . Unlike opium, however, it does not contribute to intestinal constipation and does not lead to loss of appetite , nausea or headache. The American Fitz Hugh Ludlow wrote about the experience with the extract in his book The Hasheesh Eater , published in 1857 . His compatriot OJ Kalant reported on Ludlow:

“Ludlow talked about hash all the time, when he actually only took the extract of cannabis indica, which is about twice as strong and ten times more potent than regular marijuana . Rough calculations Judging had Ludlow with a dose of the extract an equivalent noise inside them as if they were 6-7 joints . "

Ludlow was consuming the equivalent of a dram . That's about 3.9 grams, equivalent to an ounce of the average pure cannabis .


  • Ludlow, FH: The Hasheesh Eater. 1857
  • Kalant, OJ: Ludlow on Cannabis. A Modern Look at a Nineteenth Century Drug Experience. The International Journal of the Addictions, June 1971.