Timasitheos of Croton

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Timasitheos of Croton was an ancient Greek athlete (wrestler) from Croton in Calabria in the late 6th century BC. BC Kroton was known as the home of many important competitive athletes in the 6th and early 5th centuries. The most famous of them was the wrestler Milon ; he was six times Olympic champion in the period 540-516. In 512 the still young Timasitheos competed at the 67th Olympic Games against Milon, who was over forty years old. He dodged the experienced fighter skillfully and was able to avoid defeat. The information about the course of the fight is not clear; it seems to have ended in a draw, which was a great success for Timasitheos.


  1. Augusta Hönle: Olympia in the politics of the Greek world , Bebenhausen 1972, pp. 80–87.
  2. The source is Pausanias 6:14 , 5.
  3. Joachim Ebert : Greek Epigrams on Sieger an Gymnischen and Hippischen Agonen , Berlin 1972, S. 182-183; Wolfgang Decker : Sports in the Greek Antiquity , Munich 1995, p. 132.