Timothy Morton

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Timothy Bloxam Morton (born June 19, 1968 ) is an American publicist, philosopher and professor of English literature at Rice University in Houston , Texas. His main research interests are Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Shelley and romance. Beyond linguistic and literary studies, his publications fall into the field of ecology and philosophy, where his writings play a role in so-called object - oriented ontology . In this context, Morton coined the term hyperobjects as objects whose expansion goes beyond the understanding of space and time. The possibility of humans to think about it is limited and only possible in a metaphysical sense.

Morton first studied at Magdalen College , Oxford, where he did his doctorate on the performative and communicative function of nutrition in the work of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Before joining Rice University in 2012, Morton taught at the University of California, Davis , New York University and the University of Colorado, Boulder .

Writings and Conversations

  • 1994. Shelley and the Revolution in Taste: The Body and the Natural World (Cambridge University Press).
  • 2000. Radical Food: The Culture and Politics of Eating and Drinking, 1790-1820 (Routledge).
  • 2000. The Poetics of Spice: Romantic Consumerism and the Exotic (Cambridge University Press).
  • 2002. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook (Routledge).
  • 2002. Radicalism in British Literary Culture, 1650-1830 (Cambridge University Press).
  • 2004. Cultures of Taste / Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism (Palgrave Macmillan).
  • 2006. The Cambridge Companion to Shelley (Cambridge University Press).
  • 2007. Ecology Without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (Harvard University Press).
    • 2016: German by Dirk Höfer: Ecology without nature. A new view of the environment . Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-95757-255-4 .
  • 2010. The Ecological Thought (Harvard University Press).
  • 2013. Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality (Open Humanities Press).
  • 2013. Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (University Of Minnesota Press).
  • 2016. Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (Columbia University Press).
  • 2017. Humankind: Solidarity with Non-Human People (Verso Books).
  • 2018. Being Ecological (Pelican Books).

Web links
