Tintamarre (magazine)

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Le Tintamarre (The Roar) was a satirical weekly magazine in 19th century France. It was first published on March 19, 1843 by Jules Lovy (1801-1866). The name Léon Bienvenu , also known as "Touchatout", is closely linked to the history of Tintamarre . Bienvenu wrote for the paper for the first time in 1863, was editor from 1865, compagnon from 1868 and publisher from 1872. Le Tintamarre was especially popular for biting satires on the political and social life of Napoleon III. known. Le Tintamarre wasn't the only satirical magazine to appear in Paris. It campaigned for the readers' favor with a large number of competing papers: Diogène , Le Nain jaune , Le Soleil , La Lune , L'Éclipse , Le Journal amusant and Le Charivari .


Well-known authors who published in Le Tintamarre included the Swiss writer Étienne Eggis , as well as Émile Gaboriau , Alphonse Allais and Charles Baudelaire . Baudelaire got 1½ sou per line . He wrote about literature, theater and music. The texts of the politically committed chansonnier Jules Jouy were also published for the first time at Le Tintamarre , where Jouy himself worked as an editor.


In the May 18, 1879 edition of Tintamarre, Alphonse Allais wrote:

  • Le comble de l'erreur geographique: Croire que les suicidés sont les habitants de la Suisse.
(The height of the error: to believe that the people of Switzerland are suicides.)
  • Le comble de la politesse: S'asseoir sur son derrière et de lui demander pardon.
(The height of politeness: apologize to your bum while you sit down.)
  • Le comble de l'habileté: Arriver à lire l'heure sur un cadran de baromètre.
(The peak of skill: reading the time on the barometer.)


  • Charles Baudelaire: Oeuvres en collaboration. Ideolus. Le salon caricatural. Causeries du Tintamarre .
  • Come on, read Allais. Satires of the turn of the century , Dtv, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-423-09261-0
  • Touchatout: La Degringolade Imperiale. 2. partie de L'Histoire tintamarresque de Napoleon III . Paris 1878

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