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typical representation of Xipe Totec in the skin of a human sacrifice; Codex Borgia , Aztec Codex , 15th century

The Tlacaxipenaliztli (" Feast of Man- Slaying ") was one of the most important festivals of the Aztecs and was celebrated in spring in honor of the vegetation god Xipe Totec . Archaeological finds have shown that other Mesoamerican cultures also celebrated the Tlacaxipenaliztli.


The Aztecs believed that the cycle of harvests and seasons had to be nourished with human sacrifice in order to continue. For this purpose prisoners of war were killed and skinned . Then the sacrificial priests wrapped themselves in the stripped skins, which symbolized spring and renewal, and wore them on their bodies for 20 days.

Other sources report that the victims were taken to the top of the temple , where their chests were opened with stone knives and their hearts, still beating , were lifted up with their hands . The priests sprinkled images of Aztec deities with the blood . Eventually the prisoners' bodies were thrown down the pyramid steps.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Berthold Seewald: Human sacrifice of the Aztecs: For the god they skin their sacrifices . In: THE WORLD . January 3, 2019 ( [accessed July 28, 2020]).
  2. Indian World: Aztecs - Gods - Xipe Totec. Retrieved July 28, 2020 .