Tlepolemos (Satrap)

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Tlepolemos (Τληπόλεμος), son of Pythonax, was an officer and hetairos (companion) of Alexander the Great .

He was born in 330 BC. To ἐπίσκοπος (overseer) of the satrap of Hyrcania and 325 BC. Chr. Himself appointed satrap of Carmania , as successor of Sibyrtios . In this province he was both in the imperial order of Babylon 323 BC. As well as at the conference of Triparadeisos 320 BC. Confirmed. Tlepolemus joined Eumenes of Kardia in the fight against Antigonus Monophthalmos , who, however, after the battle of Gabiene in 316 BC. Chr. Remained victorious. Nevertheless, Tlepolemos was not deposed due to its popularity with the indigenous population of Karmania even after the change of power to Antigonos Monophthalmos.



  1. Arrian Anabasis 3.22.1; 6.27.1
  2. Diodorus 3/18/3; 18.39.6
  3. Diodorus 19:24, 3; 19.48.1