Tomba del Letto Funebre

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View of the burial chamber
Horse and man on right wall

The Tomba del Letto Funebre ("Tomb of the Death Bed ") was discovered in the Etruscan Monterozzi necropolis in Tarquinia in 1873 and got its name from a large painted death bed on the back wall of the burial chamber. Some of the paintings are heavily faded and not in good condition. For this reason they were removed from the wall and taken to the Villa Giulia in Rome . They are considered a high point of Etruscan painting. The grave dates to 460 BC. Chr.

The tomb consisted of a small chamber that could be entered via a dromos . The chamber is painted and creates the illusion of a tent. The roof is supported by posts. At the top of the wall there is a painted leaf frieze. The main scene of the tomb on the back wall is an empty death bed. There are pillows and two hats on top, perhaps symbolically representing the dead. A banquet scene is depicted to the right and left of the death bed. Various people are lying here on Klinen . The men are separated from the women. The women are on the left, the men on the right. This is rather unusual for the Etruscans, where men and women usually celebrate together. Musicians, dancers and athletes follow on the left wall. Similar scenes can be found on the right, where you can also see a horse and a groom. Also shown are a boxer and a charioteer who cocks the drawbar of a car. The entrance wall shows two horses to the left and right of the entrance.

The paintings in the burial chamber show some similarities with the Tomba del Triclinio and the Tomba Claudio Bettini . It is believed that these graves were painted by the same workshop.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stephan Steingräber : Abundance of Life, Etruscan Wall Painting . Los Angeles 2006, ISBN 978-0-89236-865-5 , p. 134.


Web links

Commons : Tomba del Letto Funebre  - collection of images, videos and audio files