Ton Schulten

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Ton Schulten Museum in Ootmarsum

Ton Schulten (born April 25, 1938 in Ootmarsum ) is a Dutch painter.

Before he devoted himself to painting, he was an advertising specialist. At the beginning of the 1990s he gave up this job. He was fed up with "playing manager". In his own opinion, this had dissuaded him from the actual creativity associated with his job. His style is reminiscent of expressionism . He himself describes his works as unique. This was Schulten's intention from the start. He wanted to paint like no one else had painted before. He builds up his pictures with thick “bars”. Ton Schulten was mainly known for his landscape mosaics.

He uses various means to make his works exciting and unique. First of all, a special atmosphere is reflected in it. a. created by a special depth effect . The eye is always drawn to the center of the picture. The sun or moon is usually located here, with the colors getting darker and darker towards the outside.

With his pictures Schulten would like to reflect a special kind of optimism and satisfaction.

The Ton Schulten Museum is in Ootmarsum (NL), Ton Schultenplein 1.

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