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ά έ ί
Alpha , epsilon and iota with a vertical tone

The tonos (from ancient Greek τόνος tónos ) is the 'neutral' accent mark of the modern Greek monotonic orthography , which replaced the old polytonic system with the acute , grave and circumflex in the 1970s .

more details

In some fonts , the tonos is vertical, i.e. in a 'neutral' position in contrast to the acute acute inclined to the right and the grave accent inclined to the left, sometimes it is just a point, a triangle standing on top, or the like. This custom dates back to the 1970s, i.e. from the time before the official introduction of monotonic orthography by the Greek government, when orthography reformers used a 'neutral' accent in this way, which had to differ from the existing ones in polytonic orthography. With the official introduction of the monotonic orthography by the Greek government in 1980, however, the distinction between the tone and the polytonic accents became unnecessary, and all style specifications stipulate that the monotonic tone is graphically identical to the polytonic acute. So it is also intended in Unicode.

Unlike the diacritical marks of the Latin alphabet , the tone of capital letters does not appear above the letter, but in front of it: Ά. The tonos can also be combined with the dividing points , the dialytics: ΐ.

In Unicode , the characters combined with the Tonos are contained in the Unicode block Greek and Coptic . For reasons of compatibility, their code points differ from those of the combinations with acute acute in the Unicode block Greek, addition , but these are listed as identical to the following characters.

character Surname Unicode
΄ Greek tonos U + 0384
΅ Greek dialytics and tonos ( trema and tonos) U + 0385
Ά Greek Capital Letter Alpha with Tonos U + 0386
Έ Greek capital letter epsilon with tonos U + 0388
Ή Greek capital letter Eta with Tonos U + 0389
Ί Greek capital letter iota with tonos U + 038A
Ό Greek capital letter Omikron with Tonos U + 038C
Ύ Greek capital letter U with tonos U + 038E
Ώ Greek capital letter Omega with Tonos U + 038F
ΐ Greek Small Letter Iota with Dialytika and Tonos U + 0390
ά Greek Small Letter Alpha with Tonos U + 03AC
έ Greek Small Letter Epsilon with Tonos U + 03AD
ή Greek Small Letter Eta with Tonos U + 03AE
ί Greek Small Letter Iota with Tonos U + 03AF
ΰ Greek Small Letter Ypsilon with Dialytika and Tonos U + 03B0
ό Greek Small Letter Omicron With Tonos U + 03CC
ύ Greek Small Letter Ypsilon with Tonos U + 03CD
ώ Greek Small Letter Omega with Tonos U + 03CE

Individual evidence

  1. See the discussion “Angle of the tonos?” in the Typophile Forum.
  2. See the official code table (PDF; 188 kB): “1F70 ά GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA ≡ 03AC ά greek small letter alpha with tonos” etc.