Traditional square dance

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Traditional Square Dance , also known as traditional or oldstyle for short , is a form of square dance that still exists today and is also considered a forerunner of modern square dance .

These are traditional folk dances of the 19th century that date from the settlement of the Wild West and the American Civil War .

Contra , Mescolanza, Mixer, Cowboy Dance and Quadrille are danced to the beat of the music. Each dance has a specific sequence of figures that are repeated. A “prompter” or announcer explains the process before each dance and gives commands for synchronization during the dance, so that no prior knowledge of the dancers is required.

In traditional square dance the music is traditional "country dance" music: mainly Irish jigs and reels as well as folk music from Québec (Canada), England, Scotland and other countries. The music is almost always played by a traditional dance music band.